Saturday 16th July 2022 Devotion
Scripture:– 1 Samuel 16:1-23
Topic:- Why The Pushing
I went to First Bank e-bank hall a few hours ago.
As I was about to enter the hall, a lady ran ahead of me and pushed me away, so she could quickly join the long queue before I would get to queue.
I did not say anything, she thought I would queue up behind her, but I was actually not there to withdraw, I came to deposit.
So I walked to the deposit Machine and was the only one there. No single person was in the queue.
When I finished depositing, I was about to leave the hall, when the lady came from the queue and apologized to me for pushing me away the other time.
With a sorry smile on her face, she said: ‘I am sorry for pushing you away, I thought you were coming to the queue’ i just smiled and told her not to bother, that it’s not a big deal.
But since then, the lesson in this story kept coming to my mind, and I felt I should share it for us all to learn from it.
Friends, who are you ‘pushing’ away and trying to outrun in the race of destiny, relationship, business, ministry, career, etc?
You think you are going to the same ‘queue’ (destination) unknown to you that, though your path may look alike, your destinations are different!
How many people have had to say ‘sorry’ to those they pushed aside, pushed away, or pushed down?
When they finally realized that the person was not actually going to the ‘withdrawal Machine’ they were running to.
Are you reading this and you are pushing people away here and there by slandering them, hindering their progress, blocking their promotion, spoiling their good names either through lies or rumor all in a bid to ‘get there before them.
I challenge you today, to take it easy. You might not be going to the same destination.
It might surprise you later that, with all the pushing away you are doing, they may still leave you on the ‘queue’ of destiny and go ahead of you.
Finally, are you reading this and you can feel people in your school, office, ministry, business, etc pushing you away so that they can get ahead of you?
Don’t worry, God will use your case to prove to them that, “it is not of him who runs.
He will show you mercy and give you an overtaking speed and those who are pushing you here and there will later come and tell you they are sorry.
Please, push nobody! because you might not be heading to the same ‘machine’ (destination).
Prayer Point:-
Oh Lord God, help me to be satisfied and wait till my own lifting will come henceforth by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have A Beautiful Saturday!