Tuesday 15th December 2020 Devotion
Scripture:- Genesis 37:1-36
Topic:- Life Problems And Opportunities
Text:- Genesis 37:8
“A problem is not merely an obstacle that makes it difficult a desired goal; it is a grain of sand in oyster whose irritation creates a priceless pearl.” To me, books proffer solutions to life challenges.
I have discovered over time that anytime I face specific challenges, the Lord pushes to me relevant books that will proffer solutions to my specific problems.
And in recent time, the book “Life Challenges – Your Opportunities” by John Hagee was my God sent response to my challenges, and I will like you to share from my gains.
For sure, no one wants to hear from a Prophet who has no scars, because our experiences, good or bad is designed for our purpose in ministry, to share the grace of God in testimony.
It is only the man who passes through a test that receives testimonial, and then he can share his testimonies.
God uses our problems to help build our character, endurance and understanding.
If there is no story there cannot be a song, no wonder the song, “This is my story! This is my song”.
John Hagee wrote, “There is divine principle found in scared Scripture called ‘promise, problem and provision’. God begins leading us to our divine destiny by giving us a scriptural promise.
The Promise is followed by a problem or series of problems, meant to bring us to the level of spiritual maturity whereby we can receive His miracle provision.
And if we reject His provision, we will miss our divine destiny, and we will live our life without meaning or purpose.”
It suffices to say, therefore, that, an aspiring person should be ready to face problems that will bring the promise of God to fruition for purposeful living.
Problems don’t only happen to bad people, bad problems also happen to good people.
Adversity is God’s university. However, if sorrow makes us shed tears, faith in the promises of God helps us dry it.
If you are facing one particular problem now, my brother and sister, you are not alone, the rich also cry.
It is imperative for you as a child of God to transform your problem into the provision of God.
Promise, problem and provision is a supernatural principle based on the Word of God that will give you wells you did not dig, houses you did not build.
And vineyards you did not pant. It will turn your darkest night to golden day; it will fill your driest desert into streams of living water.
We all detest problems, but problems are the reason for every improvement we make. Problems quicken wit. Problems stiffen your spine. Problems force you to think outside the box.
A problem is an opportunity to step into a new dimension of accomplishment.
Problems happen to everyone, therefore expect it. Every problem puts us to the test of trusting God. God has reasons for each problem that comes to us.
Sometimes problems are customized so that we can fulfil the purpose for which God created us. They are stepping stones to our divine destiny.
Such was Moses when he was driven form the Palace in Egypt to fulfil his purpose as the saviour of Israel, leading and liberated them from the bondage of the Egyptian.
It was an unforeseen problem with his brother, Esau that drove Jacob to Bethel, where God revealed His destiny to him.
It was a frightening problem that confronted Esther when she was before the king and interceded on behalf of the Jewish people living in Persia. Had she ignored the problem, she and her people would have been annihilated off the face of the earth.
It was overwhelming problem that launched David form an insignificant young shepherd to the mighty king of Israel.
All of Israel’s forty thousand soldiers heard Goliath taunting roar demanding a fight, yet only one answered. David.
Hitting bottom is a problem but staying down is a missed opportunity.
Joseph did not plan to be in the bottom of a pit after recounted his God given dream to his loved ones, but he was.
Joseph did not foresee his brothers selling him into slavery, but they did. God had detained him for great things, but people and problems got in the way.
What did Joseph do?
1. Joseph was faithful in the problem.
2. Joseph maintained his character and integrity while enduring the problem.
3. Joseph was patient throughout the duration of the problem.
4. Joseph did not complain while facing ridicule, rejection, envy, and jealousy.
5. Joseph held on to his dream in the midst of lies, false accusations, and prisons.
6. Through it all, God showed favour to Joseph until the provision came.
7. Joseph had the vision to see the purpose of his problems.
8. Even though Joseph spent years in the problem, he never stopped listening to the voice of God.
9. He remained faithful to God, and God remained faithful to Joseph, leading him to the divine purpose which he was created.
Are you in the middle of a severe problem? Have you examined your life to make sure that you are not cause of the problem? Do you find it difficult to find the purpose of the predicament you are in?
Look for the promise in God’s word. Hold on to that promise. It is given to you by your Father in heaven, who is faithful to fulfil it.
All of the provisions God offers in the pantry of heaven are available to the child of God who faithfully stands on His promises.
My brothers and sisters, sing praises to the Lord while in the bleak times of your life, for He promises to inhabit the praise of His people.
Even when there is no reason to smile, put a smile on your face. God will never let you walk alone in your darkest hour; He will journey with you until you see light of your provision.
Have you had setbacks and disappointments as a result of the problems you have experienced? There is life after failure!
Your endurance of the problems breeds success. Winston Churchill said, “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”
You must see your problem as merely obstacles on the path to victory.
Prayer Point:- I will make it, no matter the hot challenges, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have A Fulfilled Tuesday!