Saturday 7th September 2019 Prayer Devotion
Scripture Reading:- Job 24:1-24
Topic:- Christ’s Teaching On The Mount About The Kingdom [6]
Text:- Isaiah 30:1
Applying The Kingdom Principles For Healing:
1. As citizens of the Kingdom, we must know the Kingdom principle of healing using the Word of God. Let us take as an example the disease of Cancer that most people so fear that any suggestion that they have cancer immediately brings the thought of death. Let us look at how to heal cancer with the word. What really is Cancer?
a. It is just a rebellion of one cell in the body that has decided to take over, and outgrow all the other cells. God created us human beings such that each different cell of the body have its own lifespan after which it dies and is replaced by a new one.
b. This means that the body is in a perpetual state of self-renewal. What happens in the case of a cancerous cell is that instead of dying at the appropriate time so that it can be replaced by a new one, it refuses to die but instead starts to divide itself thereby multiplying itself and the speed at which it is dividing itself is what determines how advanced it is and how near to death that person is.
c. It is a lawless cell that has decided not to follow the order laid down by God for the growth of the cells in the body. So it is in rebellion to God’s order. But God has given you the Word with which to deal with such a rebellious cell. See Ezekiel 20:38.
d. He said in that Scripture what He would do with such rebels. God said that He will purge them out from among you, and bring them out, and they will not be able to enter into you again.
2. That is a judgement that you should enforce. It is your responsibility as a citizen of the Kingdom to enforce this judgement of God who is the King of the Kingdom where you are now a citizen.
3. You can also consider such that have rebelled, as dross to be purged out so that the genuine cells left may be able to grow and function, as they ought to. See Isaiah1:24-26.
4. Further, God has passed judgement on such that rebel against the ways and the paths that God had set down, or that take counsel that are not of God. Surely such cancerous cells fall into this category. God said what should happen to them. See Isaiah 30:1; Job 24:13, 24.
5. God said that such rebellious cell will be exalted just for a little while, but they will be gone and brought low, taken out of the way and cut off. If they seem to be winning against you know that it is just for a while. You are supposed to enforce the judgement of God. Have the belief that you will eventually win.
Prayer Point:- I applied the principles of Your kingdom in to my life henceforth by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have A Blessed Saturday!