Friday 6th August 2021 Devotion
Scripture:- Acts 2:1-21
Topic:- Why Christians Worship On Sunday And Not On Sabbath Day
The general belief of the adherents of Jesus Christ is that Sunday, the first day of the week is the Lord’s day.
The day they believed Jesus Christ had ordained for His worship.
Today, all over the world, Sunday is generally accepted as the day of the Lord, the day set aside for Christians to worship their God.
Christians in all over the world, except few worship God on Sunday and not on Saturday which is the Sabbath day of Jews.
Sabbath day falls on Saturday, which God did rest after the creation of all things.
In the book of Genesis, we read that God rested after HE created all things.
In time memorial, the Jews worshiped God on this day but today majority of Christians worship God on Sunday.
Due to the fact that Jesus Christ, the originator of Christianity resurrected on this particular day.
When Jesus Christ was indeed crucified on Friday and when it was on Sunday morning, he arose from death.
For good forty days on the earth before He finally ascended to heaven, He used to appear to His disciples every Sunday.
Anytime He appeared to them, He blessed their gathering.
There was no record that Jesus Christ appeared to His disciples on Saturday, which is the Sabbath day.
Mind you, the death of Jesus Christ put an end to the old covenant while His resurrection paved way for the new covenant, which we refer to as the New Testament.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ opened a new chapter in the program of God for mankind’s.
All the worships of the Old Testament were a shadow, pointing to Jesus Christ.
The Sabbath day was occupied with the activities of killing animals and shedding blood.
That was what Jesus Christ came to fulfill later on the cross of Calvary.
Today, we don’t need to shed blood in our services to God because Jesus Christ had fulfilled that for us.
He had shed His blood once on the cross of Calvary, we don’t need to shed the blood of animals again.
I am of the opinion that, If anyone must worship on Saturday, such people should be ready to go along with sacrifices that the Sabbath day required in the time of the old covenant.
The early Church which was later nicknamed ‘Christians’ at Antioch observed their service on Sunday, which is the Lord’s day.
They would gather to read the words of God, prayed and fellowship together and the Lord blessed them.
It was the same Sunday that, one hundred and twenty Disciples of Jesus Christ received the Baptism of Holy Ghost in the upper room in Jerusalem.
Today, Jesus Christ does command His blessings on Christians as they worship on Sunday.
Many are saved, sanctified, baptized with Holy Ghost and some are healed while several others are blessed in one way or another.
Prayer Point:-
Oh Lord God, let my worship to You henceforth be acceptable by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Happy Weekend!
This Post Has One Comment
Oh my my, Why does the Christian Church fail so much on the Word. I have to re-educate Christians to the Truth. Christian leaders try so much to lead people from the real truth of the Word. What does Sha’ul mean by being Grafted In? When did the Grafting In start. By being grafted in means you are grafted into Israel and being grafted in, and being grafted in, Christians take on the true sabbath and come away from the counterfeit sabbath. The first occurrence of being Grafted In started in Exodus and continues to this very day. Christian leaders try to prove sunday worship by quoting Acts 20:7 without knowing what the believers were really celebration. These Messianic believers (as they were known) were celebrating the going out of the Sabbath which is called Havdalah. Remember the NT was written by Jewish followers of Messiah wo were known as Messianic’s, everything they did was according to there custom. Other leaders say they worship on Sunday because the Lord rose from the dead on Sunday? Sir; again Christians fail to realise he truth because there leaders have completely no idea of the scriptures. You leaders say that Jesus died on Good Friday which is not scriptural and rose on Sunday, again not scriptural. According to the true scriptures the Lord died the midst of the week, the 4th day (Wednesday), the next day was the feast of unleavened bread (annual Sabbath) the next day was what we call Friday, this day is when the two Mary’s bought spices’ for the Lord’s body and prepared them before the 7th day Sabbath. Just after sabbath the Lord rose from the dead on the 1st day (the Jewish first day and not the Gentile 1st day) The NT is JEWISH and not GENTILE, go back to Genesis, the timeline there are what the Jewish people go by and still do today. The NT has never change into a Gentile NT. Therefore Good Friday is fake, Sunday resurrection is Fake, and, there is no scripture that authorises a Sun day worship. All Christian holiday are counterfeit to God’s Holy days of which are prophetic days regarding Jesus. How come scripture says. Mat 12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth…. This is an 72 hour period not 36 hours, why does the counterfeit church teach 36 hours, this is another lies from the sun-day church. This is why I came away from the lies of the so called sunday church and came into the truth of the Bible.