Monday 27th August 2018 Morning Prayer Devotion
Scripture Reading:- Philippians 3:1-21
Topic:- Resurrection Power Is Available For You
Text:- Philippians 3:10
Maybe you are one of those that thought “it is over”. And that every situation is turning round against you. You have even concluded that there is no more solution to your situation, and your life. Wait a little bit; there is good news for you because the resurrection power is available to you.
What is this resurrection power? It is a power that will come upon every deadness of your situation and life, and give you new hope of joy.
Let’s see the way it was demonstrated on an almost forgotten widow who lost all, and even the only son to death not to talk about her husband that died long ago. What situation can be worse than that? If it was in the country of the black people, she would have been termed ‘witch’ but alas, the miraculous touch of the hand of love and of resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ awake her hope of joy. See Luke 7:11-17.
What can we not say if Lazarus that everybody lost hope and nothing can be done of reviving to life again. Every hope was lost because he had been buried for the past four days i.e. he was now counted to be among the dead but surprisingly, the resurrection power was available to visit his helpless position right there in the tomb where he was buried, he saw life and lived again. See John 11:38-45.
Record will not be completed if we fail to recount this same resurrection power that visited our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the tomb where he was buried for three days. He came alive the third day and He is alive forevermore i.e. since over two thousand years ago till eternity. No wonder Paul prayed for this same available resurrection power that he wanted to know Him more and more. See Philippians 3:10.
There is no doubt that everything dead concerning you cannot but receive divine touch of this available resurrection power in which every of your impossibility will turn around for good and come alive again. Even if you are doubting or have lost hope of surviving again, the resurrection power is available for you too. Pray for it too, and your life will never be the same again. You will live to testify to the glory of God and declare that the Lord is good.
Prayer Points:-
1. I confess today that the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus Christ is for me, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. You power that is limiting the glory of God in my life, I challenge you with the resurrection power, depart from my life right now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. I command every deadness of my life, receive resurrection power, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have A Beautiful Monday!