Friday 26th August 2022 Devotion
Scripture:- Proverbs 22:1-6
Topic:- 10 Old Fashioned Manners We Need To Start Teaching Our Children
There is a lot of “woke culture’ going on in today’s world.
Where important values, ethos, manners, and etiquette that were ingrained in us as little children have now been seen as outdated or old-fashioned. Below are some reminders:
1. Teach Them To Be Polite:
Teach your Child that being polite is a way of life:
It is not something they should do periodically.
Being rude is a huge turn-off, they should know how to address elders.
Respond to questions, use the right body language, be respectful, be kind, be empathetic, and so on.
2. Teach Them How To Use The Magic Words:
Like ‘thank you, please, excuse, sorry, Pardon me, may I?
It might seem casual but if your child learns this, they can warm their way to anybody’s heart.
Note: These magic words are small but very expedient.
3. Teach Them To Greet:
The greeting culture is becoming obsolete today.
Do you know that greeting isn’t just a way of according respect to older people it is the first step in raising a socially intelligent child?
Teach them the right time to greet, the right gestures, body language, and so on.
4. Teach Them To Knock:
When last did you see your child knock before entering your room?
When children learn to knock, they protect themselves from what they should not be exposed to and also respect other people’s privacy.
5. Teach Them The Right Way To Interrupt Other People’s Conversation:
I have seen this happen too many times.
Teach your child that when they need to interrupt a conversation they should say, “excuse me”.
And that if what they have to say is not urgent or important they should wait for a while.
6. Teach Them To Use The Right Voice Tone:
Have you heard teenagers have conversations lately?
It is a competition of who can speak loudest.
Children need to be taught to vary their voice tones to match their environment.
7. Teach Them To Put Down Distractions When Being Talked To:
Have you ever talked to anyone and you can literally tell that they are distracted either with their phones or something else when you were talking to them?
The question is, how did that make you feel?
Children need to be taught the ethics of conversations.
8. Teach Them How To Cook:
Irrespective of their gender, teach them life-long skills and what to do during emergencies and danger.
9. Teach Them Table Manners:
This goes beyond the conventional “don’t talk while eating.
You can teach them to pray before and after eating.
Teach them how to clear the table after a meal etc.
10. Teach Them To Respect People’s Private Space:
The phone is an example of private space, so also is a handbag, etc.
Teach them to respect people’s privacy.
With the hustle and bustle of life, it can be very easy to ignore these basic manners in the guise that they will learn them someday.
But you need to remember that Parenting is synonymous with teaching.
If you don’t teach them, they won’t learn it or someone else may teach them the wrong way.
Prayer Point:-
Oh Lord God, help me to teach and train my children/ward in the way of the Lord henceforth by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Happy Weekend!