You must understand that you are very precious to God hence He will not allow you to be exposed to arrows and danger. Every precious and holy thing is covered or shielded from thieves, Numbers 4:20.
You are the vessel of God; you carry gifts, talents, virtues and precious things. God cannot afford to see you stay uncovered and unprotected. He will ensure that, that which you carry remains intact as you journey through life.
God will being you under a shelter that you will not regret; a shelter in the time of trouble or storm. He shall give you a man, ministry or group that would provide shelter and coverage for you. God can turn a man into a shelter or hiding place for another person, Isaiah 32:2.
It is risky to travel all alone in this dark world where enemies are hanging around to strike at the innocent. This is why you need a spiritual back-up or coverage that would guarantee your safety and insurance throughout your pilgrimage.
You cannot afford to travel through without having a spiritual coverage over your head. The coverage is like a helmet that bike riders put on to protect the head from injury in case there is an accident. You need this coverage over your head.
There is a place that fathers occupy in the things of God that you cannot adequately fill as a son. No matter how anointed you may be, you need a root; a spiritual coverage that completes your identity in the kingdom of God. Spiritual covering should provide similar benefits and blessings, but is found within the context of a relationship. It is not something an administrator can setup but is something that happens in the heart.
God intends for everyone to be under spiritual covering so that they can mature, bless others, receive blessing and so that there can be a flow of love and grace through the body of Christ. In Psalm 140:7.
Prayer Points:-.
1. Every satanic umbrella shielding me from the blessings of God!, catch fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Every battle to quench the fire or kill the anointing of God upon my life, backfire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. O Lord! Set a mighty fire in the centre of my life and keep me burning for You, in the name of Jesus Christ.