Wednesday 19th August 2020 Devotion
Scripture:- 1 Peter 5:1-14
Topic:- Why Many Pastors Die Young [Autopsy Of A Pastor (3)]
Text:- 1 Peter 5:2
- They died because they gave room to ignorance, ego, and unwillingness to take advantage of opportunities God provided to help and enlighten their life. They succeeded in Church but failed their health and spiritual health because they over-evaluated their status.
- Some are killed by their fellow Pastors, who added nothing to them but negativism. Increased their conflicts and inflicted more injury to their wound.
Don’t invite a guest from afar if you have no plans for them. You break their hope and add more frustrations to the existing ones. You have associates, you live big while they scratch to survive with their families. What you added killed them. Because they felt used, neglected and abandoned. - And finally, if Pastors engaged in secret sin and refuse to change nor repent, definitely they have opened up way for Satan to strike them down immediately with incurable disease or death, and die prematurely. And thereby may lose their lives to hell.
If you are a Church member, or a Senior rich selfish ego exhibiting, exaggerating Pastor, you can be a part of the reasons why Pastors are dying because of your unwillingness to be sensitive and to do the right things.
Pastors have a tough job. They get more kicks than kisses. If a pastor is young, he lacks experience; if he’s grey–haired, he’s too old. If he has five kids, he has too many; if he has none, he’s setting a bad example. If his wife sings in the choir, she’s being forward; if not, she’s not dedicated enough. If he preaches from notes, he’s dry; if his words are impromptu, he’s too shallow. If he spends too much time in his study, he’s neglecting his people; if he makes home visits, he’s not a good time manager. If he’s attentive to the poor, he’s after public approval; if he attends to the wealthy, he’s ingratiating. If he suggests improvements, he’s a dictator; if he doesn’t, he has no vision. If he uses too many illustrations, he neglects the Bible; if he doesn’t use enough stories, he’s unclear. If he speaks against wrong, he’s legalistic; if he doesn’t, he’s a compromiser. If he preaches for an hour, he’s windy; less than that, he has nothing to say. If he preaches the truth, he’s offensive; if he doesn’t, he’s wishy–washy. If he fails to please everybody, he’s hurting the Church; if he tries to please everybody, he has no convictions. If he preaches tithing, he’s a money–grabber; if not, he’s failing to develop his people. If he receives a large salary, he’s mercenary; if he doesn’t, it proves he’s not worth much. If he preaches on a regular basis, people get tired of hearing the same person; if he invites guest preachers, he’s shirking his responsibility. Wow! And you thought your Pastor had an easy life! How’d you like to change places? Bottom line: love your Pastor.
Prayer Point:- Oh Lord God, help me to maintain my health henceforth by fire, I refuse to die prematurely and untimely, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Happy Mid-Week!