Wednesday 7th November 2018 Morning Prayer Devotion
Scripture Reading:- Genesis 22:1-19
Topic:- Understanding Abraham’s Giving
Text:- Luke 6:38
It is a pity today that even unbelievers understand giving than we Christians. Although they give to people, organizations and government because of what they will receive in return. They believe that “nothing go for nothing, if you wet the ground, you will walk on wet grounds.”
It is high time that we Christians begin to rise up to our challenges and begin to give like Abraham. Remember, a giver will never lack, and also, the hand of a giver will always be on top.
About Abraham, he was asked by God to give his only and loved son, Isaac as sacrifice. Without hesitation, and without discussing it with his wife, Genesis 22:1-3. Nor discussed it with the servant that accompanied him, Genesis 22:3-5. He neither discussed it with his son too i.e. Isaac, that he is to be sacrificed, Genesis 22:6-8. He did not because he knew the repercussion.
Abraham knew that the Giver of that son to him was God i.e. God is the owner. God was testing him and needs his total obedience. He passed because he acted in faith, believing that even if he sacrificed the son, God is able to raise him up, Hebrew 11:17-19. He confessed positively, Genesis 22:8. This led to great blessings for him and multiplication for his generations to follow even till date, Genesis 22:14-17.
Remember, you can never over-give but as you give, double has been promised to be given in return, Luke 6:38. You are even asked to continue in giving, Galatians 6:9.
Giving like that boy in John 6:1-14 and also like that widow of Zarephath in I Kings 17:8-24. I bet you, as you give, your blessing will be uncountable in this world, Proverbs 11:25, and in heaven, double blessings, Matthew 6:20-21. Give like Abraham, and like God, John 3:16.
Prayer Points:-
1. I refuse to be replaced nor my position be taken by another, so I command, my glory will not be shared nor taken by another, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Oh Lord God, give me totally obedient heart to give unto You henceforth, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. Oh God, let giving be part of me henceforth, so that I too will become blessing, in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. Oh Lord God, rain upon me, Your morning rain, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have A Wonderful Mid-Week!