To understand this karmic aspect of law which is related so closely to every single move we make in life. In fact, it’s relating to every breath, every thought we take. Apostle Paul says, “as we sow, so shall we reap.” See Galatians 6:7-8.
The law of Karma clearly indicates that there is good karma and bad karma. The good seeds and good deeds bear good fruits, whereas bad seeds and bad deeds yield bad fruits. There exists an astonishing accounting system, as not a single debt or action ever goes unpaid or not accounted for.
That will lead us to the difference between the birthright and the blessing in the narrative story of Jacob and Esau which made the birthright related to the order of birth of sons. The firstborn son was given the title to the family name, and a double portion of his father’s inheritance.
In this case Esau foolishly gave in to Jacob’s extortion, and sold his birthright to Jacob. Yet despite Jacob’s wickedness and Esau’s foolishness, the agreement over the birthright was binding. The regulation was later given that, even the father could not alter the birthright, nor give it to another. Therefore, when Jacob deceived his father and got Esau’s blessing, he stole something from his brother to which he had no right.
Jacob was now seeking to secure Isaac’s final blessing as well, which would additionally constitute an acknowledgement of Jacob’s possession of the birthright. Jacob realized that, once the blessing had been given, it could not be withdrawn. In this act, Jacob revealed the true meaning of his name, i.e. one who supplants. While God had previously recognized Jacob to be in the line of promise, He did not approve of Jacob’s conduct.
Jacob’s scheming bore terrible fruits throughout his life. He was banished from home never to see his mother again. He was tricked by his uncle Laban repeatedly. He lived in fear of Esau for years. His dishonesty, also affected his children, and they also deceived their own father regarding the alleged death of his favorite son, i.e. Joseph. See Genesis 29-31. This results show not only God’s disapproval, but also the bitter harvest that sin can bring in one’s life. Remember, whatever you sow, you shall reap. See Proverbs 11:21.
Prayer Points:-
1. I command any repercussion I’m passing through now because of evil sown in the time past, expire now by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. I command every evil happening to me because of my generation past, expire and catch fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. Abba Father! Anoint me for special goodness now by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Happy Weekend!