There was a question raised, that Jesus is not capable of answering or dealing with marriage problems since He did not marry. Truly, Jesus when on earth did not marry as other people did. There was another heresy that Jesus had a secret wife or lover which was Mary Magdalene. This heresy is scripturally baseless because there was no account anywhere in the Bible of such record. It was one of the lies of the devil that generated from the pit of hell.
So it was evidently clear that Jesus, when on earth did not marry. And based on this truth, we shall be discussing some suggested reasons why Jesus did not marry.
1. Why Jesus did not marry is because getting married and having children was not the purpose of His coming to this world but He came to the world voluntarily to die for mankind in order to give us salvation and thereby reconcile us back to God our creator. See Mark 10:45.
2. Why Jesus did not marry is because He came to this world as God-man and not as man-God as we humans are. See John 1:1, 14. So what kind of child or children would He have given birth to if He married? See also John 10:30 as ref to Genesis 6:1-15.
3. Why Jesus lived a single life as a man when on earth was because He was a sinless man. How would it have been possible for Jesus who knew no sin to go ahead and marry a sinful woman i.e. all humans are born with sinful nature while Jesus was born sinless [by the Holy Spirit through a virgin lady (Mary)]. Hence, to marry means that Jesus will become one flesh with His wife and thereby stained with sin. See Genesis 2:24 and I John 3:5.
4. Jesus did not marry because He Himself must have been one of the eunuchs He referred to in Matthew 19:12.
5. He did not marry so as not to occupy Himself with the problems in marriage and that is why he said in Matthew 19:3-12 in which His disciples concluded that it is better not to marry See I Corinthians 7:1, 7.
6. Another reason that made Jesus not to marry was that it would be sad if Jesus died and left the wife as a widow at a tender age. For Jesus to die at about 33 years of age, definitely if He married, the wife will be so young to remain a widow for the rest of her life or thereafter, therefore she will need to re-marry. See I Corinthians 7:8, 9, 39.
7. Jesus did not marry because the Church which is the Christian body is His bride. Therefore all those who profess that Jesus died for their sin and thus give their life to Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, are all the wives of Jesus. See Ephesians 5:23; Revelation 19:7; 21:9.
Prayer Points:-
1. Lord Jesus, reveal Your total truth unto me henceforth for me to be walking in Your truth, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Lord God, help me to fulfill my mandate which You purposely created me to fulfill here on earth, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. My Father, My Father, make me totally holy unto You, so as to resemble You in holiness, in the name of Jesus Christ.