Saturday 1st September 2018 Morning Prayer Devotion
Scripture Reading:- John 10:1-21
Topic:- Reasons Why Jesus Died For You
Text:- Genesis 3:15
1. Jesus died in order to fulfill His divine commission to save the world from their sin, Genesis 3:15; Romans 3:23; John 1:29; Revelation 5.
2. He died to bring us back to God and to restore our lost glory to us, Genesis 1:26-30; 3:8; Hebrew 9:22-28; John 2:1.
3. Since Christ was born in human flesh that has been cursed, Genesis 3:19, death was therefore necessary to enable Him remove the cursed body, 1 Corinthians 15:33.
4. His death was to glorify God, John 10:18; Philippians 3:10.
5. His death has been predetermined by God, Matthew 16:21-23; John 18:4-11.
6. He died to give us victory over eternal death, 1 Corinthians 15:54-55; Colossians 2:15; Revelation 1:18.
7. His death was a revelation of how wicked people operate, Isaiah 53.
8. His death gives us victory over the forces of darkness and Satan, John 14:2-3; Romans 8:34, 37.
Prayer Points:-
1. Oh Lord Jesus! You came to set me free indeed, I declare I am free indeed, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Oh ye death, any form of pain, problem and devil! You have no power over me again because Christ has conquered you, I am victorious, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. I command you devil and your host, loose your grip and hold over my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Happy New Month!