Tuesday 18th February 2010 Devotion
Scripture:-Scripture:- Genesis 40:1-23
Topic:- Patient And Perseverance [2]
Text:- Genesis 40:14
The Yellow Team, coaches and all, were in awe. This is how the kingdom of God works. The last are first, the first are last, and in the end, as much as we want to think our performance is all that matters, the victory has exactly nothing to do with us.
We’re human, so we’re going to occasionally feel threatened. It happens. Anger happens too. So do jealousy and bitterness and resentment. But if you want to be a citizen of this other Kingdom, the one in which God promises things will be set right in the end, you may as well remind yourself of it all the time.
The things you think matter so much? They don’t matter so much. If you put your trust in God, you’re already a “success” because Jesus succeeded.
You needn’t be insecure in who you are — not because you’re so great, but because your security isn’t found in who you are. In the end, you’re free to fail all you want, kids, because here’s a sweet thought: The limo is coming for you anyway.
Choosing to be unoffendable means choosing to be humble. Not only that, the practice teaches humility. Once you’ve decided you can’t control other people; once you’ve reconciled yourself to the fact that the world, and its people, are broken; once you’ve realized your own moral failure before God; once you’ve abandoned the idea that your significance comes from anything other than God, you’re growing in humility, and that’s exactly where God wants us all.
It’s contrary to seemingly everything in our culture, but the more we divest ourselves of ourselves, the better our lives get. Jesus told us as much. He said if we’d give up our lives, for His sake, we’d find real life.
When we surrender our perceived “rights,” when we let go of our attempts to manipulate, we find — surprise! — joy.
I’ve seen it happen in my own life, in little bits. I’m still learning. But I’m so glad someone told me to choose to be unoffendable, because something clicked in my understanding of what it means to follow Jesus. It turns out that life is not only more joy-filled for me but more attractive to others.
I have to die to myself. What I’m finding is it doesn’t happen all at once, and it’s simultaneously simple to understand and arduous to actually do. But little by little, I think I’m seeing what God is up to.
He wants to be in control. And you know what? I want Him to be. This hasn’t always been the case. I think I can trust Him. I don’t need to control things anymore. There’s so much less at stake when I let go, so much less of me to defend, so much less of “my way” to get in the way and feed my anger. What a relief. God tells us to die to ourselves, and get rid of anger, for a reason: He loves us.
And I guess I always knew that, that He loves us. But I’m now less prone to anger, and more prone to forgive, because I’m finally really believing, a bit more, day by day, that He actually loves me.
Why am I so stressed? Why do I need to pretend I can control people? Why do I need to make myself “significant”? Why do I think I need to assess other people spiritually? Why am I always trying to assess myself spiritually? Why do I need to defend myself? God is my Defender. He’s in control. And no, I don’t know where I’m going, but I know He loves me.
Prayer Point:- Oh Lord God, help me to be patient and persevered in my daily walking with You henceforth by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have A Wonderful Tuesday