Saturday 27th July 2019 Prayer Devotion
Scripture Reading:- John 10:1-18
Topic:- Pastor Be Careful Of These Members
Text:- John 10:14
1. Position seekers members.
2. Over spiritual members.
3. Members who are claiming to be Financial pillars.
4. Foundation members. [We are the ones that started this church].
5. Members who are Little Prophets and Prophetess. [Nor be only Pastor dey see visions for this Church, me dey see too. And they will be moving from house to house to give revelations to people].
6. Troublesome members. [A troubled Church is a stagnated Church, keep trouble away from your Church].
7. Members who organize groups outside your Church. [They always end up becoming G.O’s].
8. Members with private Prophets/Prophetess outside your Church.
9. Members who uses your Church to do their business. [Any Financial transactions that has no connection with your Church should be resisted, it’s very dangerous to Church growth because if they quarrel, you loose everyone involve].
10. Members who belongs to different Churches:a. First service 6a.m in Catholic our family Church.
b. Second service 8a.m in Living Faith my spouse Church.
c. Third service 10a.m White garment my Prophet’s Church.
d. Fourth service with you and they still claimed membership.
11. Workers who don’t belong to departments:
a. He/she a Music Minister but not in the Choir.
b. He/she a Pastor/Evangelist but does not belong to department.
c. He/she a Deacon, Deaconess, Elder etc but does not belong to departments.
[Daddy in the Lord, you are running a dangerous Ministry because an idle mind is Satan’s workshop].
12. Members who are members because of what you are doing for them:
a. I am here because Daddy promised to marry me, pay my house rent, pay my children’s School fee, take care of me, help me get a job or connection, borrow me money for business or visa etc.
b. They are there for the help, delay the help they will relocate to another Prophet.
13. Members who want to hijack the Church from your hand:
a. You are the Pastor, but a particular member or worker is reigning inside the Church more than you, my brother you have lost your Church.
14. Fast food members. [Anything outside ceremony, count them out and if they manage to attend service they will be looking at the time].
Pray, watch and take actions on time when you notice these persons in Church. Attack fast through teaching, discipline, one on one counseling, prayer especially fasting and open rebuke.
Just be smart as a Pastor, the fact is, you may fall into their traps but learn fast adjust.
Prayer Points:-
1. Oh Lord God, help me and deliver me from fake and deceiver members henceforth by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. I refuse to fall into the trap of the devil and the enemies of my salvation, oh Lord God, save me till eternity, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. Oh Lord God, give me discerning spirit gift as to protect me from falling from grace and against the wiles of the devil, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have A Blessed Saturday!