Saturday 14th September 2019 Prayer Devotion
Scripture Reading:- Luke 10:1-22
Topic:- Message To Ministers [3]
Text:- Luke 10:17
Churches are everywhere around us, yet, there is a spiritual famine in Africa. The power of the gospel is suffering bankruptcy in our time. This is not the same gospel the Apostles preached. Something has happened to the Word of God in our mouths.
We are only showing the form of godliness, but hell has hijacked the power thereof. And in our carnality, we are celebrating strange Fires. Polluted Fire! Moribund Fire!
But brother, I know that God will never leave Africa this way! If the Pulpit has failed, then, He will bypass us and go down to the pews. And raise people for Himself.
If our pews have become so frozen, He will go outside. He will look for drunkards and prostitutes. He will get hold of witches and wizards. And those arm robbers on the highways, He will Clean them up and fill them up with Himself and use them mightily in this end time.
Yes, if those who came out from Bible Schools are now using their Certificates to raise only funds, God will bypass them and use those who has not gone to Bible Schools.
This is the most critical time since the world began. Islam is preparing to take over nations. They are putting funds together which they will use to buy Churches and pay their staff off. Brother, in few years from now, if there is no genuine revival, many of our members today would have become Muslims. You will see many Pastors who will convert their Churches into Mosques, for a huge financial reward.
That time is not far. Has it not even started? When a Pastor is collecting powers to grow his Church from a Muslim Native Doctor, is that not handing over the Fire to the children of the bond woman?
The days we are in is terrible. God knows and that is why He is raising an Army that will stand to defend the gospel that was handed over to us, even if they have to lose everything for it.
That young man came back from the missions field, after a year, and later joined the Bible School. Became a Pastor and God used him to win communities for Jesus. Before my eyes, I saw God using him to sack evil spirits out from villages. His name became a terror in that area, to the point that deities began to complain about how his presence in the community had rendered them powerless. Halaluya!
Those are the kind of testimonies we were hearing everyday in the days of our fathers that we want to be hearing again in our time. But alas, here is Ichabod!
Imagine if every Church in every community can boast of 10 of such members! Imagine when many of our followers would have gotten broken enough, by God, that they don’t mind what they lose again for God’s sake.
Prayer Point:- Oh Lord God, give me passion for evangelism without counting the cost but by Your directives henceforth by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have A Blessed Saturday!