Friday 7th September 2018 Morning Prayer Devotion
Scripture Reading:- John 11:1-45
Topic:- Jesus Can Never Be Late
Text:- John 11:21,32
To man, any opportunity lost can never be regained, but to God this is not so. God can still make ways for thousands of opportunities when one closed.
In John 1:11-45, we read about Lazarus who was dead for four days and was raised and brought back to life by Jesus Christ. The Bible says that people were weeping, mourning the death of Lazarus. To them there was no hope for Lazarus and his family again, the opportunity given to Lazarus has been lost.
Save that Jesus did not arrive to Bethany on time to save Lazarus from the sickness and death. However, we thank God that Jesus went to Bethany to raise the dead body of Lazarus after four days and for total healing.
The implication of Christ’s action is that no time is too late for Him to help, to save, to deliver and to bless you.
If only you can put your trust in Him.
Like the Lazarus of old, you too will experience your transformation and deliverance today.
Prayer Points:-
1. I command the stripes of Jesus to do my total healing and total restoration of health henceforth, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Enough is enough of the demonic hand in my life, paralyze now by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. I claim it, divine healing is for me, I begin to live and to enjoy it to maximum henceforth, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Happy Weekend!