How To Identify Your Real Enemies

Monday 24th September 2018 Morning Prayer Devotion

Scripture Reading:- James 3:1-12

Topic:- How To Identify Your Real Enemies

Text:- Genesis 3:6

It is a known phenomenon that human beings are usually born into the midst of the enemies. As one begins to grow and prosper, the enemies also continue to grow more aggressive and more ferocious wanting to destroy the person’s destiny. We thank God however that He always saves us from this wicked ones.

I want to put it to you that those whom you consider to be your enemies are not or may not be the real enemies. Therefore in today’s topic, we shall be discussing about those who are the real and the greatest enemies to us:
1. Our Eyes: The eyes are one of the nearest and greatest enemies of man. Whatever rubbish we see with our eyes is usually sent to our brain. You can see that our eyes can influence us negatively. See Eve as she was attracted to the forbidden fruit, in Genesis 3:6. And also, King David as he lusted for Urian’s wife, in 1 Samuel 11:1-5.
2. Our Heart: Our heart or mind is the source of all evil thoughts or imaginations. Every satanic devilish thought is usually conceived from the heart or mind before it is hatched (Matt. 15:19-20). Even the devil played on the heart of Jesus Christ but failed. See Matthew 4:2-10; 15:19-20; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13.
3. Our Tongues/Mouth: The tongue is another close enemy. With it, people blaspheme, backbite, curse, abuse, tell lies, bear false witnesses and slander. We need to control the use of our tongue just as we are told in 2 Kings 2:23-25; Romans 3:14; James 3:26.
4. Our Relations: Those who are close to us by birth, appears to be the nearest and worst enemies. Majority of them have done a lot of havoc to destroy the destiny of some of the members of their families. See Matthew 10:36.
5. The Devil: The Devil, even though he is invisible, he is our greatest enemy. The scripture says in I Pet. 5:8 that the devil is walking about like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour. The devil is our greatest tempter and accuser. See Matthew 4:1, 11; Job 1; 7:1-12; 1 Peter 5:8.

Prayer Points:-
1. Oh God! Deliver me from sinning unto you, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Save me completely oh God, from the power of sin, flesh and the devil, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. Help me to adjust my ways oh God, to Your own ways, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Have a Nice Monday!

Pastor Timothy Ogundele-Jesu

Pastor Timothy Ogundele-Jesu

Pastor Tim Ogundele_Jesu is a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and an apostle by the grace of God. He has been used by God prominently in the area of salvation, healing, blessing, and especially deliverance.

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If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven;

Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ…

Then pray this short prayer of Faith

Say it loud and mean it:

“Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me.

Thank God for your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. For further details on how to grow in this new light, please click the CONTACT page or visit TACN or any bible believing church near you and ask for the pastor in charge.

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