Tuesday 4th December 2018 Prayer Devotion
Scripture Reading:- Psalm 51
Topic:- How Anointing Dies
Text:- Psalm 51:11
As anointing is so great in the life of the people of God, so also the anointing can die and leave the life of the receiver. Even, anointing can leave without trace and without your knowing it, He will just leave without notice.
What you have to do not to let the Holy Spirit leave or die in your life is to take note of the following, and try to be conscious of them always:
1. Sin is the first weapon or bullet that Satan uses to kill anointing. See examples in the life of that great man Samson in Judges 16.
2. Worldliness is another time bomb against anointing. See example of Demas who was once a Minister of God but later departed to the world because of worldly enjoyment. See 2 Timothy 4:10.
3. Prayerlessness is another weapon that can dry anointing out of people’s lives. Samuel refused to let the anointing dry by not allowing prayerlessness in I Samuel 12:23.
4. Anger is another weapon that kills anointing, most especially unholy anger. King Saul is a typical example of this. See I Samuel 15.
5. Too much talking or talkativeness is another cancerous worm that kills the anointing when someone is not able to bridle his tongue but talk anyhow and what ought to be said will be said freely. See Proverbs 10:19.
6. And lastly, if you take God’s glory to yourself i.e. you arrogate the God given glory and claim it as yours, it diminishes the anointing. See Isaiah 42:8.
Please, don’t let the anointing die in you or be removed from you. It is disastrous.
Prayer Points:-
1. I claim the anointing to increase in me mightily now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Any sin that is still fighting the anointing in me, die, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. I refuse to go back into the world because of worldliness, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have a Lovely Tuesday!