God The Consuming Fire Versus Jezebel [1]


Day 28: Tuesday 26th May, 2020.

Scripture:- 1 Kings 21:1-23

Topic:- God The Consuming Fire Versus Jezebel [1]

Text:- 1 Kings 16:31

Jezebel means unmarried; not exalted; chaste; an impudent; shameless; morally unrestrained woman. Also means unexalted; unhusbanded.
Jezebel: The Phoenician wife of Ahab who according to the account in I and II Kings pressed the cult of Baal on the Israelite kingdom but was finally killed in accordance with Elijah’s prophecy daughter of Ethbaal, King of the Zidonians, i.e. Phoenicians, and Queen of Ahab, King of Northern Israel.
Ahab, in 874-853 B.C, carried out a policy, which his father had perhaps started, of making alliances with other states. The alliance with the Phoenicians was cemented by his marriage with Jezebel, and he subsequently gave his daughter Athaliah in marriage to Jehoram, son of Jehoshaphat, King of Judah.
His own union with Jezebel is regarded as a sin in 1 Kings 16:31, “And it was not enough that he should walk in the sins of Jeroboam Ben Nebat, he also took to wife Jezebel,” the Hebrew can be pointed to mean.”
And it was the lightest thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam Ben Nebat, he also took to wife Jezebel, and went and served Baal and worshipped him,” i.e. all the other sins were light as compared with the marriage with Jezebel and the serving of Baal, compare. See Micah 6:16.
Is this a justifiable view to take of the marriage? One answer would be that Ahab made a wise alliance; that baal-worship was not non-Hebrew, that Ahab named his children not alter Baal but after Yahweh (compare Ahaziah, Jehoram, Athaliah), and that he consulted the prophets of Yahweh, compare 1 Kings 22:6.

Further, that he only did what Solomon had done on a much larger scale; it may be added too that Ahab was in favor of religious toleration, and that Elijah and not the king is the persecutor.
What then can be said for the unfavorable verdict of the Hebrew historians? That verdict is based on the results and effects of the marriage, on the life and character of jezebel, and in that life two main incidents demand attention.
Jezebel’s character:
The character of Jezebel is seen revived in that of her daughter, Athaliah of Judah 2 Kings 11; there is no doubt that Jezebel was a powerful personality. She brought the worship of the Phoenician Baal and Astarte with her into Hebrew life, and indirectly introduced it into Judah as well as into the Northern kingdom.
In judging her connection with this propagation, we should bear in mind that she is not a Queen of the 20th century; she must be judged in company with other queens famous in history.
Her religious attitude and zeal might profitably be compared with that of Mary, Queen of Scots. It must also be remembered that the introduction of any religious change is often resented when it comes from a foreign queen, and is apt to be misunderstood.
On the other hand, although much may be said that would be favorable to Jezebel from the religious standpoint, the balance is heavy against her when we remember her successful plot against Naboth. It is not perhaps blameworthy in her that she upheld the religion of her native land, although the natural thing would have been to follow that of her adopted land, compare Ruth 1:16.

Prayer Points:-
1. I command, i possess back all my rightful Godly possessions now by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Every spirit of Jezebel come out of my life by God’s consuming fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. O Lord God, dethrone anyone that is oppressing me with his/her throne, in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. Jezebel, you are evil, demonic and devil influence over me and my family, what are you waiting for, summersult and die by God’s consuming fire now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
5. Jezebel, your throne of authority, collapse now by God’s consuming fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
6. Jezebel must die, die now by God’s consuming fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
7. I command every evil conspiracy against my life, be exposed and scattered, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Have A Wonderful Tuesday!

Pastor Timothy Ogundele-Jesu

Pastor Timothy Ogundele-Jesu

Pastor Tim Ogundele_Jesu is a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and an apostle by the grace of God. He has been used by God prominently in the area of salvation, healing, blessing, and especially deliverance.

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