Monday 14th September 2020 Devotion
Scripture:- Ephesians 4:1-14
Topic:- Five Ministerial Calling [1]
Text:- 1 Corinthians 12:28
Many Christian leaders have taken this verse out of context and elevated these five roles above their rightful place. They emphasize the importance of these offices in a local Church which is certainly true but often serve their own interests and need for power and recognition while denying others the “laity” any kind of involvement in Church government.
Others discard the verse altogether, claiming that Paul is speaking in the Apostolic age which has long passed, so that his words are not relevant to us at all any more.
It is therefore of utmost importance to get a biblical understanding of the five-fold ministry, so that our Churches will be healthy and functioning according to the will and plan of God.
While we will focus on these five, we must not forget that Paul is not giving us an exhaustive list. In 1 Corinthians 12:28, he says, in the Church, God has appointed first of all Apostles, second Prophets, third Teachers, then Workers of miracles, also those having gifts of Healing, those able to Help others, those with gifts of Administration, and those Speaking in different kinds of Tongues. Only three of the five in Ephesians are repeated here again, while Paul adds other kind of people and functions.
Surely we would not equate an Apostle with an Administrator, yet both are in the same list, and there is no reason to assume a Hierarchy, or that one function has more value than another.
On the contrary, those who Speak the Word of God, who Preach and Teach (which is all part of the five-fold ministry) are held to higher accountability.
Their goal is not to serve themselves, but the flock of God, so that they would attain all the fullness in Christ. See Ephesians 4:12-13.
With transparency comes greater responsibility, and with responsibility, higher accountability. God has set His Leaders in place for His Church to function, and those truly called into these places will have been tested and proven, having gone through the fire of preparation, displaying true humility and Christ-likeness, not desiring a position, but wanting to serve their King anyway He wants them to.
While there are many different ideas in the body of Christ today about each one of these five offices or functions this is what we believe as a Church:
1. Apostles Govern:
When it comes to a study of the five-fold ministry in the New Testament, Prophets are mentioned a few times, the Evangelist is specifically mentioned a couple of times, Pastors and Teachers are referred to occasionally, but Apostles are mentioned often.
Prayer Point:- Oh Lord God, help me to function well in the area You have called me to serve You henceforth by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have A Glorious Monday!