Saturday 26th January 2019 Prayer Devotion
Scripture Reading:- Luke 9:18-26
Topic:- Don’t Stop Witnessing
Text:- Mark 8:38
At Calvary Baptist Church, the Assistant Youth Pastor gave this testimony and he said: A Christian was travelling by Plane, and sitting beside him was a Muslim man in his dress, turban, etc.
The Muslim ask, What is your name? The Christian said, I’m Christopher.
Muslim; Oh, then you are a Christian! The Christian said, Yes I am. Muslim: Can I ask you a question? Christian: Please go ahead.
Muslim: Who is the husband of Mary? Christian: Joseph. Muslim: Who is Jesus’ Father? Christian: God. Muslim: So you mean God committed adultery by giving birth with someone’s wife? Just explain to me!
So the Christian pull out his note book and a pen, and wanted to make a note to explain to this Muslim friend. As he was about to start, the Holy Spirit told him to begin to speak in tongues. So, this Christian spoke in tongues for about 3 minutes and stopped.
The Muslim Friend ask, Do you speak Arabic? Do you know me from my childhood? Cos you just spoke in Arabic and told me everything including the fact that the one who took care of me is not my Biological Father.
Instantly, everything was clear to the Muslim. And thereafter, he asked the Christian friend to pray for him, and he got converted!
What I learnt, which tells me to share is that. I should forget about the little grammar I can speak, or my little knowledge of the Bible, Rather, let the Spirit speak through us.
If you don’t have the Spirit of God in you, you have no place in Christ. Pray that the Spirit of God will be available to every Christian, that’s my prayer for you and for myself. When the Holy Spirit is in charge, He does the convicting. And where the Spirit of GOD is, there is liberty.
Prayer Points:-
1. Oh Lord God, help me to minister and witness to whomever I may come across henceforth, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Oh Lord God, give me power to witness You henceforth, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. Oh Lord God, let the power of Holy Ghost and fire come upon me to witness You henceforth, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have A Lovely Saturday!