Friday 9th November 2018 Morning Prayer Devotion
Scripture Reading:- Acts 13:13-37
Topic:- David, A Man After God’s Heart [2]
Text:- 1 Samuel 13:14
David was the only person called a man after God’s heart in the Bible. And what that means is not that he was running after God’s heart but one who was always after God’s will.
This deeply means David was a man loved by God, a man dear to God’s heart, a man agreeable to God’s mind i.e. the kind of man loved and wanted by God in place of Saul. Are you a man or woman after God’s heart?
What are the evidences that made David a man after God’s heart?
1. He was called and trained by God Himself right in the bush as he took care of his father’s flock. See I Samuel 16:1-13.
2. He was also the one that knew how to enter the presence of God, Psalm 100, i.e. knew the best thing to give to God. And that is praises, thanksgiving and worship. No wonder the Yoruba Bible named the book of Psalm after him. [Although he was not the only writer but it was believed that he wrote most of them]. He knew that God’s food is praises, worship and thanksgiving. See I Samuel 16:15-23.
3. Another thing that distinguished him to be a man after God’s heart was that he loved doing God’s work i.e. he always want to do good. See II Samuel 7:1-17.
4. Though David was not a perfect man i.e. he was a man of many sins. At least he was adulterous and a murderer. See II Samuel 11:12.
5. And also, although a man that would not easily forgive but still forgave. See I Kings 2:1-9.
6. But one thing is sure of him, whenever he falls into sin, he will never stay there for long i.e. he will quickly repent and ask for forgiveness. See Psalm 51; 38; 32.
7. He was a distinct King, Acts 13:22, being referred to always, I Kings 11:32; II Kings 18:3.
8. Even till date, he has been the best King in Israel.
You too can be a man after God’s heart even better than King David, just by obedience to His will and His commandments. Also, take the leading of God for your life. Be a man after God’s heart.
Prayer Points:-
1. Oh God, I have determined to be a man after God’s heart, help me to be, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Oh God! Help me to be like You and to resemble You completely, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. Oh Lord God, I have determined to be perfect like God and to live holy life, help me oh God, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Happy Weekend