Friday 22nd February 2019 Prayer Devotion
Scripture Reading:- Exodus 33:7-23
Topic:- Be In His Presence
Text:- Exodus 33:14
A. Is it possible to be in His presence?
1. This is a question to be answered as we progress in this teaching. But let us consider the following passages to understand better the question asked by asking some questions again:
a. In Exodus 33:11, how can God speak to Moses face to face?
b. In Psalm 24:3, how can someone stand and ascend God’s hill and holy place?
c. In Psalm 91:1, does God have a secret place and shadow for us to dwell?
d. In Psalm 12:1-2, God’s hills, how can we behold or seek to look upon it?
e. In John 4:24, If God is Spirit, then how can we worship Him and be in His presence?
f. To answer all those questions, let’s see how the drama went between God and Moses, and later to the Israelites. See Exodus 33:17-23 and Exodus 34:29-35.
B. What does being in His presence denote?
1. When you start to witness the following or more, then His presence is already with you:
a. Fullness of joy. See Psalm 16:11, Luke 15:10.
b. Glory and honor. See 2 Chronicles 16:27.
c. Peace of mind. See Zephaniah 1:7.
d. Power and victory over enemies and battle. See 2 Chronicles 20:9,21,22; Psalm 68:2,8.
e. Goodness, blessing and answer to prayer. See Luke 1:19.
f. Refreshing time. See Acts 3:19.
g. Salvation and deliverance. See Hebrews 9:24.
Let us see what happened between God and Abraham in Genesis 18:17-33.
Prayer Points:-
1. Oh Lord God, I want to be in Your presence so as to have fullness of joy and peace of mind henceforth, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Oh Lord God, let me have deliverance and refreshing time that comes from Your presence henceforth, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. I command glory and honor that comes from Your presence to locate me now by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Happy Weekend!