Sunday 11th April 2021 Devotion
Scripture:- Acts 4:15-33
Topic:- A Mad Man Revelation To A Pastor
Text:- Acts 4:33
A Pastor noticed a particular mad man who had always come to pick an unseen substance in front of the Church every Monday morning.
He kept quiet and never said a word as so not to fall into trouble with a mad man.
Three months later, noticing the mad man has consistently been coming to pick things as usual.
He summoned the courage to ask him what he has been picking on the ground for the past months.
The mad man responded BLESSINGS.
The Pastor was surprised to hear the mad man sounding very intelligent and interesting.
The mad man Continued, every time God uses you to bless your congregation with huge blessings, divine favor, multiples of open doors, miracles, etc.
When the service is over, 95% of your members will always drop their blessings, miracles, etc at the front of this Church gate and left.
Some living to clubhouses, some to their boyfriends and girlfriend’s houses as well, some of them even end up gossiping, making unhealthy statements about the Church’s fellow members and even the Pastor and the wife.
He continued, some of this 95% of persons attends every weekly activity in Church but are very very far from Christ Jesus, this is unrepented souls that will soon perish in hellfire.
He asked, have you not noticed that new members seem to be having wonderful testimonies than the old? Pastor Shockenly nodded.
He continued, since the right owners don’t know the use and benefits of it, I decided to come to park them.
Or should I allow God’s blessings to waste?
Pastor sorrowfully went into the Church and wept tirelessly.
Please if you rank among the 95% of the Church goers mentioned by the mad man, you know you can’t deceive yourself forever, Jesus Christ is calling you Now…
May God bless you as you respond to this call in Jesus’ Name!
Prayer Point:-
Oh Lord God, help me to understand You better and follow You henceforth by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Happy Lord’s Day!