Tuesday 21st April 2020 Devotion
Scripture:- Hebrews 13:1-22
Topic:- 3 Things The Pro-Life Movement Needs To Do To Stop Abortion [2]
Text:- Hebrews 13:4
3. Go Visual:
Any student who is old enough by law to get an abortion without parental consent is certainly old enough to view the consequences of that choice. Educators universally acknowledge the value of graphic visuals when used properly.
High school students, for example, are routinely shown grisly pictures of the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews. Images of mutilated bodies stacked like cordwood communicate the horror of the death camps in a way no lecture can. In fact, the producers of Schindler’s List donated a copy of the film to every high school in America, in spite of its graphic content.
Faculty members acknowledged the disturbing images but argued that students would not understand the Holocaust unless they saw it. As noted television critic Howard Rosenberg wrote in the Los Angeles Times, ‘Although almost too horrid to watch, these segments are absolutely essential.’”
Teaching the abortion holocaust with any less academic rigor is intellectually dishonest. If students are mature enough for Schindler’s List, they can certainly view a two-minute film like This Is Abortion, produced by the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform.
Some pro-lifers worry that showing graphic abortion pictures lays a guilt trip on post-abortion women. True, we should always be gentle, but people wounded by abortion desperately need to be brought out of denial and into confession so they can repent and find healing and forgiveness.
The fact that repentance is painful does not relieve us of our duty to teach it. At the same time, we patronize women when we assume they are too inherently weak to look at abortion objectively.
C. The Case for LifeScott Klusendorf:
The pro-life message can compete in the marketplace of ideas-provided Christians properly understand and articulate that message. This book helps pro-life Christians make a persuasive case for the lives of the unborn.
Nevertheless, the images must be used properly, meaning we should not spring them on unsuspecting audiences. When I use the two-minute film This Is Abortion, I tell people exactly what is in the clip and invite them to avert their gaze if they so desire. Nearly everyone watches, and no one complains.
I have found this to be true in diverse settings such as debates, banquets, schools, churches, etc. With Christian audiences, I introduce my remarks by stating that Christ is eager to forgive the sin of abortion and that my purpose is not to condemn but to clarify and equip.
People who are not heartbroken over abortion will almost never make the lifestyle concessions necessary to support crisis pregnancy centers or other pro-life efforts at a sacrificial level. Pictures change the way people feel about abortion, while facts change they way they think. Both are vital in changing behavior.
True, many people dislike abortion pictures and find them offensive. That’s to be expected, given the discomfort of admitting one’s own moral culpability in the face of injustice.
The more pressing question is whether the number of people put off by the graphic images exceeds those compelled into modifying their beliefs. If the debate over partial-birth abortion is any indication, we should bet on the pictures.
Prayer Point:- I command every agenda to legalise abortion, summersult and die by fire now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Have A Wonderful Tuesday!