Sunday 28th April 2019 Prayer Devotion
Scripture Reading:- 1 Corinthians 7:1-16
Topic:- 21 Days Courtship
Text:- 1 Corinthians 7:2
A man, [Lawyer] ran out of his Marriage because of Domestic Violence. He was always beating up by his wife at any slight misunderstanding. He left the House for Madam in order to safe his life.
Most of the victims of Domestic Violence use to be women, but in this case it was wife that was beating her husband.
I wonder what could be the problem, I was initially thinking may be he married her because of delay and frustration, I thought she’s older than him, or maybe he was giving to her as a gift. What the man said amaze me.
The man said, “WE WERE MADLY IN LOVE AND WE GOT MARRIED.” I was shocked when he said their courtship lasted for three weeks before they married. A Lawyer for that matter.
I pity the man the day and the way i saw him. He was confused and seriously frustrated. He sustains many injury as a result of Mummy’s cane and heavy slap. He can not hide the matter to himself, that’s why he cry out.
It amazed me and my wife when we heard the story live and direct from the Victim. He was initially mad in Love, reality open his eyes in Marriage.
Many young people always think you don’t know how much they are in Love, they always think you hate their relationship, they assume you are outdated especially when you are persuading them to be careful, patience and prayerful.
Most times they sidestep your questions and findings. Anytime you raise the matter they laugh over it, in fact some may keep distance from you so that you will not challenge the relationship.
But by the time they fall into the ditch, and their eyes opened, they will run back to you. Is always too late because they are already in Marriage, and Divorce is not an option.
Thousands are languishing and lamenting in Marriage because of impatient and insensitive. They are in a hurry, especially if they sense or notice that the Lady/Brother in question have a promising future. Many are paying bitterly in their Marriage because they don’t pay attention to the details during Courtship.
Many people are regretting their Marriage because they ignore danger signers in Courtship. Thinking they will handle in Marriage, probably they will change their Partner’s ill character, the unfortunate part of it is that, is mostly too late when they realize that there nothing they can do about it. Then the struggle continues till death do them part. The bitter truth is that, no one will share out your sorrows and pains.
A correct Marriage Counselor or Pastor will never recommend Divorce for you no matter the condition of the Marriage. You must keep going, no matter the situation. It means you will carry it as Cross. If God have mercy on you, he may intervene, but if He chooses not to, that is how you will live in pain for life.
Young man, young woman, the choice is yours. It is safer to be patiently wait for God. To be candid, waiting time is not easy, but it is better to wait for Perfect Will of God than to waste your life.
Listen to Godly Counselors, let them guide you, open up to them, tell them your fears and worries. They have pass through the way you are about to go. If you don’t manage your Courtship, you may experience Marriage Miscarriage. There is nothing we can compare with Sweet Marriage, especially the one who wait for God’s Will.
Prayer Points:–
1. I command that the perfect will of God should manifest in my marriage henceforth, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Oh Lord God, help me to heal my marriage from collapsing henceforth by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. Oh Lord God, help me to wait upon You henceforth, until Your miracle surface in my marriage, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Happy Lord’s Day!