Sunday 13th November 2022 Devotion
Scripture:- Ephesians 6:10-20
Topic:- 15 Signs Of Unfriendly Friends
Life is full of unfriendly friends. Some people didn’t die when the arrow was in their chest, they died when they saw who threw the arrow.
Here Are 12 Signs Of Unfriendly Friends:
1. Unfriendly friends plot against you at night and laugh with you in the morning.
They smile a lot and act nice to you, but really, they are talking and gossiping behind your back.
2. They appear when they need you and disappear when you need them the most.
They are very selfish and self-centered.
3. Your Success threatens them. They get upset when something good happens to them.
They are highly covetous.
4. They blackmail you emotionally. Take advantage of yourself.
Cause your pain, hurt you and deceive you.
5. They always try to compete with you and make you feel they are better than you.
6. Unfriendly friends always criticize you negatively.
They constantly point out all the negative things about your life.
They don’t see anything good about you.
7. They discredit you and doubt everything you say or do.
They hold you in low esteem and spread lies about you.
They lack faith in you and belittle your achievements.
8. They are not consistent. You cannot depend on or rely on them.
They are not trustworthy.
9. Unfriendly friends don’t feel bad or remorse when they hurt you.
They never apologize rather they are judgmental.
Always feeling they are right.
10. They rejoice when something bad happens to them.
Your pain gives them Joy.
11. Unfriendly friends will never patronize you.
Even if you sell the secrets to Long Life and Prosperity, all because of envy and jealousy.
12. They are happy when you share your secrets with them.
Because, they are going to use it against you, to blackmail, hurt or betray you without your notice.
13. Sometimes, your problem is not the Problem.
Your actual Problem is the person you tell your problem.
14. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked who can know it?
15. Above all, they are pathological ingrates.
No matter what sacrifices you have offered them in times past.
Please, Beware of Unfriendly friends.
Prayer Point:- I command all my unfriendly friends, crashland by fire now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Happy Lord’s Day!